Time passed so fast!!!
nw i edi half way in my 1st Year 1st Sem edi....
This is my 2nd time of Dean List Award
oso my First time of graduation Ceremony
in UTP.......
Anyway,tis sem reali a bit different n i din feel any how excited at all....
mayb recently 2 mani things happen liao....haizzz

most of PE course ppl who r Dean List....Focus on de pose of de ppl on second row....

I would like 2 thx 2 my anak-anak in Foundation 1st Sem who come 2 support me...
I reali miss my foundation time SO MUCH!!!
i feeling myself even more senior after de ceremony...hahah,wan meh??
de thing tat i hope wont happen still happened on tat day...
haiz....mayb i too naive 2 wish tat TAT thing can b avoided,
anyhow,it still happaned...
wat 2 do?

Zhong Ying n I......

Chai Sing n I,ppl CGPA 4.0 de nu....haha

nw i edi half way in my 1st Year 1st Sem edi....
This is my 2nd time of Dean List Award
oso my First time of graduation Ceremony
in UTP.......
Anyway,tis sem reali a bit different n i din feel any how excited at all....
mayb recently 2 mani things happen liao....haizzz

most of PE course ppl who r Dean List....Focus on de pose of de ppl on second row....
I would like 2 thx 2 my anak-anak in Foundation 1st Sem who come 2 support me...
I reali miss my foundation time SO MUCH!!!
i feeling myself even more senior after de ceremony...hahah,wan meh??
de thing tat i hope wont happen still happened on tat day...
haiz....mayb i too naive 2 wish tat TAT thing can b avoided,
anyhow,it still happaned...
wat 2 do?

Zhong Ying n I......

Chai Sing n I,ppl CGPA 4.0 de nu....haha

很厉害的荣誉也! 恭喜你呢!
hahaha.......thx ya.....
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